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CEO of Swear Down TV//Radio host on Swear Down Radio//Writer of 'The Unfamous'//Blogger//BAD ASS//

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Thursday, 24 March 2011

I’m Not single, I’m Waiting...

Okay, so I'm not like a poet or anything (it turns out that I'm just universally awesome #gofigure lol) but I wrote this poem last year and I think it's kinda bad ass and as I genuinely couldn't be bothered to blog something new I thought FUCK IT; I'mma just repost some old ass shit.

This poem is called 'I'm Not Single, I'm Waiting...' and I think that it embodies the way that most 'single' women feel....or it could be just me *shrug*; whatever.

Anywho, here it is dudes and dudettes:

I’m Not single, I’m Waiting... - By Her Royal Bad Assness, Scotty Unfamous

I’m not single, I’m waiting
Waiting for the person that makes the days seem shorter because I’ll never fall into daydreams of boredom wishing for something better to come along

I’m not single, I’m waiting
Waiting for the moment when everything is real again, when my life comes to life and everything around me seems all the more beautiful because I’m sharing it with them

I’m not single, I’m waiting
Looking forward to the heated kisses of new infatuation, the electricity of innocent contact as simple as his leg pressing against mine as we sit; feeling his warmth, making me want to get closer to him

I’m not single, I’m waiting
To look into the eyes of the person with no hidden agenda, no games, only the beautiful truth that he wants to fall in love with me someday

I’m not single, I’m waiting
Keeping my guard up till someone worthwhile who makes me smile and laugh and gossip to my friends about how truly amazing he is till they can’t take it anymore, tries to break my barriers down

I’m not single, I’m waiting
Waiting to claim that he is my other half and I am his and that we complete each other so perfectly that I’m scared that he is too good to be true and I’m afraid of losing him because I don’t know what I’ll do

Waiting to talk to him on the phone about nothing for hours on end until 4am and fall asleep only to wake up wanting to hear his voice again

Waiting to cry over someone who is actually worth my tears; knowing that in the end we will be ok because nothing in this world feels as right as we do even at our worst, but especially at our best

Waiting for someone who will take me as I am, flaws and all just because that is how I am and he loves me because of it and whose love will enable us to grow together and bloom into something more spectacular than what we started as

I’m not single, I’m waiting


That's a bit mushy for someone as bad ass as myself but hey, even Awesomeasaurus's have feelings and shit. So yeah dudes, rate this (or you can actually comment if you feel like taking a walk on the wild side).

Deuces x

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