About Scotty

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CEO of Swear Down TV//Radio host on Swear Down Radio//Writer of 'The Unfamous'//Blogger//BAD ASS//

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Saturday, 14 April 2012

Hi Scotty, I have a problem of deciding what I want to do with my life. Im doing the hardcore Alevels (maths,chem) and I was programmed to go ahead for medicine, but I realise that it might not be for me. I don't have any other talents, I feel quite usele

As we grow we sometimes change our mind about what we want to be. If you feel medicine is not for you then explore other options; something will catch your fancy. Don't feel useless luv; EVERYONE has a talent, maybe you just haven't identified yours yet. At the end of the day you're still young, you've got time to figure out what it is you want to do.

Ask away


Ask away http://www.formspring.me/ScottyUnfamous

Sunday, 8 April 2012

How do you relax?

I have a friend called Mary Jane.

ask me anything (please note I am not an agony aunt lol)

how would you answer: how can you bulid up one's self confidence?

Accept your flaws and focus on what you like about yourself. If there's something that you don't like about yourself that you have the power to improve on do so, if not, accept it and keep it moving. Oh, and stop worrying about what other ppl think, cause in reality they have their own lives to live and aren't really concerned with you all that much.

ask me anything (please note I am not an agony aunt lol)

SCOTTY!okay first of all i have just recently found out about sweardowntv and i think you and the crew are just hilarious!i spend my days and nights catching up on all the fun ive been missing i dont really have a question but keep the badassness going ;)

:) thank you

ask me anything (please note I am not an agony aunt lol)

when I was like 13 and looked into the story a lot it was interesting to see how the media portrayed the murdered boy, watching the 'My Murder' reenactment on BBC 3 kinda angered me 10-15 years they all got to me it also showed how shit our law system is.


ask me anything (please note I am not an agony aunt lol)