About Scotty

- Scotty Unfamous
- CEO of Swear Down TV//Radio host on Swear Down Radio//Writer of 'The Unfamous'//Blogger//BAD ASS//
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Thursday, 29 March 2012
Sunday, 25 March 2012
'The Unfamous' is sickkk... Will there be more? And if so when?.. :)
:) Thank you. On the lead up to @The_Unfamous series (Coming Autumn 2012) there will be more chapters posted.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Hi Scotty, My question is what would you like for swear down tv as a company to achieve in the next coming years? Would you like Sweardown TV to become mainstream or stay successful as you are now?
I would definitely like SDTV to go mainstream and to grow as a multimedia company. This time around we're trying out loads of different show concepts to give our viewers more variety to choose from. As our viewers/followers may know, along with our original format we also have started 'BeYOUtiful' our comedic cosmetic tutorials, 'Rap Nation' our competitive cypher show, we'll have a cooking show soon, there'll be more music from us, you can now purchase our Team Bad Ass tops ( ) and we're also working on sketches.
I love 'The Unfamous'! you should be gettin money for that :D is there gunna be a book 3? (im half way through book 2)
Thank you. At the moment I'm working on turning it into an online series so follow @The_Unfamous on Twitter to stay updated with that :). I plan to write 4 Unfamous books in total.
not sure if you've been asked this before but, what happened to dee poetry?
He's no longer a part of sdtv but I think he is working on some personal projects so make sure you look out for that
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
No offence here Scotty but i'm tired of hearing all this 'If u aint got haters then you aint doing something right' talk, what about the people who are content in the world? is it so wrong NOT to have haters?
Of course not. I think 'If u aint got haters then you aint doing something right' should be used in regards to ppl who put themselves in the spotlight.
Monday, 19 March 2012
Im confused, if 'The Unfamous' still being made into a book or are you just going to continue posting chapters online?
Yes it is but I'm focusing on the upcoming online series at the moment :)
Monday, 12 March 2012
wats ur view on kony
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Hi Scotty : ) .. Will you be posting podcasts for sweardown radio?.. Sometimes I miss parts of the show and I hope to catch up through the podcasts
I posted 2 new podcasts yesterday. One with @AxelEntertainer and the other with @SongwriterStarz. Go to