You're askin me if I think that getting higher grades will increase your chances of getting into uni...
About Scotty

- Scotty Unfamous
- CEO of Swear Down TV//Radio host on Swear Down Radio//Writer of 'The Unfamous'//Blogger//BAD ASS//
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Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Monday, 27 February 2012
Lool you joka, 'please not I am not an agony aunt'.. anyways, what happened to your tumblr?
I changed the name. Now it's simply
Been seeing this guy but found out he's in an unofficial r'ship. She calls it that. He says its no kind of relationship. Yet he wont stop seeing her. I love him but I cut him off cos it hurt so much. He never hollered. Try again or let go?
Why would you even consider trying again? You told him goodbye and he clearly doesn't care. Keep it movin mate.
hi all my friends how r u today can i know the 1st do sex with you
What kind of loser sends out this thirsty bullshit. From you're illiterate too. FFS!
Thursday, 23 February 2012
can you please do a video about the grammy's
I didn't see the full version so I don't see much point
You talked about how people shouldn't care about designer labels, but don't you think that is hard in today's society? I mean, no-one is able to wear what they want without laughing at each other which then in turn makes them a lesser person.
No I don't think it's hard. People CHOOSE to take on what they think society expects from them, and they CHOOSE to let the opinions of others affect them, when in reality no one REALLY cares. In reality, you can rock whatever the hell you like as long as you drop it right. Style over substance.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
When can we expect some new videos? I LOVE your videos btw
Thanks :) By next week there will be some new stuff.
Monday, 20 February 2012
I've gotten used to people assuming that I've had sex (I haven't) do you think it's todays culture which makes people jump to those conclusions or does it have more to do with an individuals behaviour?(I'm asking because I like hearing your point of view)
I think it's today's culture. Sex is constantly being thrust upon western society through the media. We subconsciously become more accepting of things like teenage sex because when you have something being thrown in your face repetitively it just becomes the norm. Society is so messed up now because we find it more shocking to find out that a young person is still a virgin as opposed to it being the other way around.
I don't think too much in terms of my body size but everyone constantly says I have a good body shape. How do I tell them to shut up without sounding so rude?
Why don't you just accept the compliment?
Friday, 17 February 2012
Don;t you get tired of people's stupid ass relationship questions???? I do and I ain't even you lol jheeze.
Loool it depends on what they ask. If the answer to their problem is obvious then I get irritated.
what would you do if your boyfriend didn't say Happy Valentines Day to you and ignored you that whole day ?
I have to ask, did you tell him 'happy valentines day' and make an attempt to do something with him? If not then you can't be upset that he didn't do it for you. If you did, then I guess all u can really do is ask him why.
me and my boyfriend had a argument and constantly on bbm he puts girls as his dp and always writes pm's in order to make me jealous, I know it sounds childish but what would you do ?
Ask him to stop coz it's bothering you. If he doesn't stop, don't argue, just do it back to him and see if he likes it.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Sorry if you've been asked this question a million and one times, I don’t go on here often, but do you know what happened to TTTV?
TTTV will be coming back soon. It has a new host, you can follow him on Twitter @Reggiesworld.
Saturday, 11 February 2012
sdtv got any new vids coming some time soon or have you lot retired?
Yeah we've been very busy getting new material together for you guys. We will be back VERY soon so make sure you subscribe to our channel to stay updated
To being close to two other guys (I guess the first one was kinda influenced&i didn't have sex with either one of them) has left me feeling used. Almost like I wasted a bit of myself on useless guys. Should I be feeling like this? Do I sound like a slag?
How you're feeling sounds natural and no you do not sound like a slag. Just take those experiences as life lessons. Shitty things happen but you can't let them bring you down. Keep your head up and keep it moving...and if u ever see the first guy's friend again O_O Fuck. Him. Up.
What do you think the purpose of twitter is for non-celebrities? And do you think it is a good thing?
Some ppl just like the banter. Some ppl use it to network. Some ppl just wanna be bait. Yeah I think Twitter's great, especially if you know how to use it correctly.
Friday, 10 February 2012
What do guys mean when they say 'I'm testing the waters'?
Wouldn't it be more fitting to ask a guy this?
What would you say if one of your friends said to you 'you can go out with my ex' or if any did happen with you, I understand?
It's not a good idea. At one point or another old feelings will stir within them and they will get jealous. Jealousy can make ppl become very spiteful.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
I'm in a relationship wit dis guy n he lives in a 'fantasy world'. He talks 2 gals on fb frm a diff country. 1 tym he woz talkin 2 a gal in ghana n how he's gna move her 2 london so they can b together . Should dis bother me ?
You're askin me if it should bother YOU that YOUR MAN is bringing a NEXT GIRL over from Ghana to be with him...YOUR MAN. Really? This is what you're asking me?
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
I like this boy alot ... and he was supose 2 come to my house ... he turnt up then was like hes gotta go somewhere and b 10 mins and he didnt come bk i tried to ping him but it didnt go through.. i feel like hes taking me for a prick wat do i do ?? HELP
SDFGHJK,MNBGFDXCVBNHJMNBGH! Sorry. Don't let man take you for Gertrude. Cuss him out then move on.