Apparently as the 'hoe' rule goes, as long as you haven't slept with more than half ur age ur cool...apparently lol
About Scotty

- Scotty Unfamous
- CEO of Swear Down TV//Radio host on Swear Down Radio//Writer of 'The Unfamous'//Blogger//BAD ASS//
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Tuesday, 31 January 2012
My best guy friend likes me more than a friend but i like his friend. How do i tell him this and not hurt him?
If he likes you then u tellin him u don't feel the same will hurt him either way. The best u can do is let him down gently.
Monday, 30 January 2012
what do you think of guys that say to ur face as a black girl, they only like lighties?
There's no point in taking it personally coz everyone has their preferences. Live and let live.
problem with him! he doesnt like to open up and hes being soo long about the situation its like he jus gasses me up! what should i do about it?
*shrug* Some ppl take a long time to open up. If it annoys you that much then why bother? Only stick around if you really think it's worth it.
how do you get over someone whos turned you down. this could lead to insecureness. is there anything you can really do to get passed it?
Shit happens. You've just gotta take it on the chin and keep it movin.
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Hey Scotty - what happened to the ustream idea, I try to tune in but it always keeps cutting off even though my player is updated - will you be ustreaming the radio show anytime soon ?
We occasinally ustream @SwearDownRadio depending on the guest that we have. If you lot would prefer us to do it on more of a regular basis then let me know.
What made you decide to answer people's questions on formspring?
I've had it for a while coz of SDTV and in the beginning they did normal things like ask me questions about myself, but now for some reason they think I'm an agony aunt lol
I can't choose between the nice, reliable guy or the fun, slightly kind of rude boy. I like the second guy better but I'm not really sure of his intentions. Any advice?
Find out what their intentions are then make your decision.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
What do you feel about being "bait" in uni? Guys always compliment me on not being a bait girl yet these are the girls they always go for :/
Like everything, being bait in uni comes with its positives and negatives. Positive: higher social status. Negatives: Makes you an easier target for juvenile attacks because ppl know who you are.
In a boys eyes, a girl not being bait is actually a good thing because if they were to wife her it's less likely that people will pay attention to what she does, which in turn minimises the need for unwanted gossip.
Some guys will go after girls who are bait because like some females do with guys, being with someone in a position of power (in this case social status) gives you more power by association.
Why do guys try to flirt with a girl one minute and the next they are calling them 'bitches'? Why so extreme?
*shrug* Some ppl are just fickle
Monday, 23 January 2012
Saturday, 21 January 2012
I'm starting to think I'll be alone forever, I come off cold and unemotional or just angry (which I don't realise), my friends thinks it puts off people but Idk what I'm doing wrong, I'm starting to think its the way I look or idk, what do I do?
There's nothing for you to do. If that's the way you are then that's the way you are. Someone out there will like you just the way you are. Don't worry about conforming to what you think society finds more appealing/personable. Everyone is different for a reason. Ur perfect match is out there somewhere ;)
beautiful which can't help me stop feeling threathened.
I think you need to stop worrying about what u think could happen between them and keep your focus on your relationship. If he wanted her so bad he would have left you and gone back to her, but he hasn't so obviously you still have top spot. Don't stress.
What kind of videos can I wait for?
Well we'll be doing or regular shows plus a few new sectors: @_AshTaylor's 'All Eyes On You', @JigzSwitchedUp's 'Rap Nation', mine and @RhialityCheck's 'Be-you-tiful', and we'll be doing some skits and other stuff ;) All of this starts in Feb so make sure you guys have subscribed
I try to listen to tha live shows, but every five minutes it cuts out, so i jus gave up nd wait for tha podcasts.
U may just need to update your flash player hun
Thursday, 19 January 2012
(cont) so I've told her I going to show the girl the whole bbm chat because I have nothing to hide, she went in fb and hype up the thing then text me saying she deleted me of bbm and now 2 weeks later she wants to add me back - how would u solve this?
Personally, I'd remove her from my life. She seems stupid and immature.
Are you still uploading podcasts? If so please hurry!
Yes we are but the site we use now has a monthly upload limit so we're working on getting them on another site. Tbh, if you lot really wanna listen to the shows it's best to lock in when we're live rather than to sit waiting for weeks for the podcasts. Swear Down Radio is every Wednesday 8pm-10pm.
Hi scotty : ) just wanted to know your thoughts on laith hakeem and marlon palmer.. I just discovered laith and christinas love story (real cute) do you follow them on tumblr and would u ever like to be "tumblr famous"?
I've only heard of Laith and tbh I thought him and Christina's 'love story' being posted on youtube was a bit tacky. I'm not concerned with being tumblr famous, I just go on there to catch joke :)
Hi scotty.. have you ever been to a iluvlive show in london before? I've heard about it before and wanted to know if it is worth going to?
No I've never been, but I heard it's quite good so you should check it out :)
Monday, 16 January 2012
I've been seeing a guy for a few months. I've noticed he tells white lies here and there by catching him out when he tells different stories. The lies he tells aren't major but won't it mean that he could be lying about his faitfulness?
The only thing I can tell you is to be careful. People that lie just for the sake of it can't always be trusted.
scotty, when things are getting boring in a relationship, how do you keep it alive?
Occasional spontaneity.
would you ever condone cheating?
No. I feel that if you cheat on someone then you're an asshole and you don't deserve to be with them because if they mattered to you that much you wouldn't have done it.
Saturday, 14 January 2012
In your opinion how do you know if you love someone, or its just a crush or lust type of thing
I know it sounds cliché, but you just KNOW lol. For me, one day I just looked at my partner at the time and he wasn't doing anything particularly amazing but I just started staring and smiling like a retard; and then...I dunno, it's like I was overwhelmed with how happy he made me without doing anything at all and it kinda hit me. I loved him. This is gonna sound sooo corny lol, but it's like I could feel my heart swell *hides face* lol. There's more to it, but that was the initial feeling.
hey scotty when i was a lot younger i wanted to be a vampire slayer and buffy was my idol but now ive switched sides lol... where you always a vampire lover? its not really a deep question im just curious :P
Yeah, I've always liked them. I'm into dark fantasy in general but vamps are my fave. I think that the vampire boom that came with Twilight made it worse though because now vampires are everywhere so sometimes I can seem borderline obsessed lol.
whore-ish, what do I do. I REALLY like his friend. (Oh plus we kinda knew each other before I met my current boyfriend, we just weren't as close). Sorry for the essay! Thanks Scotty, keep doing what your doing.
I think that although you may be crushing in his friend you need to remember that you chose to commit to someone so you should honour that commitment.
scotty, how important do you think the 'i love you' stage in a relatinship? like in your past ones how important was it, was it a big deal? is love overrated?
Yeah I think it's a big deal. To love someone and to be loved back is a beautiful thing. I don't think love is overrated at all. Being in love is one of the best feelings in the world.
Are You Threatened By AyyOnline Gaining So Much Popularity Miles Quicker Than You Did?
No of course not :). I don't measure my success by what other people are doing. As long as I know that I'm progressing I'm happy.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Thts true but it also comes on to me when they direct their bullshits to me of gassin n stunting wiv me or chatting shit bwt me to make me look dumb then wha? Is there any reason for me to even c dem as friends?
Not at all. Don't f*ck with ppl that move shady. Life's to short for unnecessary bullshit.
im 17 next month, and im soooooooo shy around boys to the point i get so uncomfortable being around my friends boy mates, and its not even the fact that i fancy them, becus i dont. i dont know whats wrong with me or how to speak to them?:/
You're probably over-thinking it. There's no need to be shy; boys are just girls with penises lol. Talk to them the way you would anyone else. People are people :)
1st thanks 4 that potential hit in a vid, but based on my previous question,i got a prob,theres these 2 girls at work ones 20 ones 22 n they claim dere bedrins but one stunts the ova will chat some any shit even after all i backed her for wtf should i do?
Nothin. Their friendship isn't your problem.
btwwww to the broke boyfriend tweet. im 15 so i can't get a job atm. and i dont mind paying half , but he can't even afford that unless its orange wednesdays -____-
U seem a bit materialistic. This guy cares about you enough to be with you and you're here callin him out on my formspring about something like this and u didn't even ask anonymously. Did you ever think how he would feel if he saw this?
me&my boyfriend are happy together, there's just one thing, HE'S BROKE, we havent gone out together after 6 weeks, its like we're links but everything else is how a relationship should be.he's 17 so i suggested a job, he said he's trying what can i do ?
If he can't provide it then you have to deal with it. Material things aren't important. Your role as his girl is to hold him down and help him grow. If u want him to get a job so bad, help him look for one.
Sunday, 8 January 2012
is it me or do some guys like to put the blame on you.on second their saying their pouring their heart out to you saying they 'love' you and then they say 'oh nah there different stages of love it was just you feeling the emotions' DICKHEAD excuse that x)
...this question is very specific. It sounds like the guy you are referring to is a bit of a twat coz that isn't even good bullshit that he told you, it's pure gas lol
i love how cute and short you are! your funny & talented :') whats your biggest regret?
Looool ok. I don't really have any tbh. All the mistakes I've made have brought me to where I am now and life's kinda good, so yeah...I regret nothing.
any good black movies you can recommend ? X
Love & Basketball, Love Jones, The Best Man, The Brothers, Just Wright, Brown Sugar, Soul name a few.
hey scotty, heres my problem i'm 16 and currently in a 11 month relationship, i do wanna take it to the next level, but im insecure about my insecure about my body, like stretch marks, ive tried cocoa butter etc, but it doesnt help :( any suggestions... ?
There's no need to be insecure about your body. If your man had a problem with it he wouldn't be with you. As for the stretch marks, pretty much everyone has them so don't stress. I recommend Bio Oil to make them fade.
do you think michael jacksons doctor getting sentenced was right, or do you think otherwise?
I think they just wanted someone to blame tbh.
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Friday, 6 January 2012
my feelings ain't changed or nothing and i still really really like him but it's just so weird, its like the spark has gone (btw it was the first time we did physical stuff). what do you thinks going on and how do you think i can fix it, i really like him
Maybe you lot moved too fast. My advice would be to talk about it with him and maybe leave the physical stuff alone until you both are completely comfortable.
I know what I need in life to get to where I am going. Everyone that meets me keeps thinking that I am anti-social because I don't like speaking unless I have a purpose. What can I say to tell them to make them leave me alone.
You don't like speaking to them unless you have a purpose :/ sounds a bit frosty but ok. Tell them that then. I'm sure after hearing that they will never bother you again.
Monday, 2 January 2012
Could you do a video on boys and girls and hints they show when they are flirting? Thanks
I'll see what I can do
Heey, are you still going too finish the rest of the unfamous on the 21st? :)
I never said i'd finish it, I said I'd add a new chapter.
Why wouldn't you date a guy that's bi?
Ppl's sexuality is 100% their biz but personally I wouldn't be comfortable being with a man that has been with men himself.
How can I tell my family that I dislike every single one of them?
Why would u wanna say sum evil shit like that 2 ur fam? What if they all dropped dead 2moro?
I have this friend who is bigger in size than me. Every time we go out, she makes a huge deal because she feels insecure about her weight. She feels when people look at her, that she looks like a 'big girl'. What should I do?
Tell her she's not the only fat girl in the world and that she should suck it up and get over herself. There are more important things to worry about and if her weight bothers her that much then she should make an attempt to lose it or stfu. Make her watch my Fatty Boom Boom 101 vid